Sebastian de Assis‘ experience in education is as comprehensive as it is eclectic. Whether teaching in traditional classroom settings, leading workshops in various locations, training professionals on site in their organizations, or making presentations at national and international conferences, including the prestigious Association of International Educators Conference, he has accumulated a wealth of empirical knowledge-based techniques in the art of teaching.
Indeed, his extensive experience in education has greatly contributed to the development of his craft in effective delivery of information to diverse audiences:
- From children he’s learned the importance of patience during the educational process
- From adolescents he’s learned the essential lesson of active listening in order to be hearkened
- From both college-level students and adult learners he’s learned to support the efforts of people’s aspirations and objectives through learning
- From professionals he’s learned how to plan, develop, and deliver educational content that meets specific individual and collective needs.
Based on the comprehensive empirical knowledge accumulated over the years backed up by documented evidence, Sebastian de Assis is a bona fide Master Teacher (read testimonials below).
However, it’s not his synoptic knowledge and experience in education that distinguishes his educational brand. It is his ability to deliver meaningful learning experiences, as he transmutes education into an experience in itself.

Teaching is an art form. It is an artistic expression through which knowledge is conveyed to an entertained, engaged, and enthralled audience. It requires natural talents, extensive practice, and continuous commitment to improving the artistic skill of teaching.
Like an actor, the teacher also needs a good script in order to fulfill the purpose of his art, which is to impart information while inspiring the desire for learning to his audience–and the script is determined by the educational objectives of the performance.
Constantly striving to combine the art of teaching with his primary educational objective of self-empowering the learner, he develops educational programs based on particular needs. As both the script writer and performer of his educational production, he adapts the “curriculum script” to maximize the possibility of achieving self-empowerment through knowledge. Thus, he applies different teaching strategies according to the nature of the audience.
Among his varied educational strategies, he often applies a combination of the Socratic Method (raising questions in order to elicit answers from the learners themselves) and group discussions through which different perceptions of the “curriculum script” facilitate the self-empowerment of each participating member of the audience of learners. The selection of the ideal method is determined both by the nature of the audience and the type of instruction format (classes, workshops, seminars, retreats, etc.)
With this educational approach in place, Sebastian de Assis turns his teachings into an artistic performance aimed at empowering the learner through the pursuit of knowledge.
Trivial Note: The photo above on the left shows Sebastian de Assis performing in a community theatre production of William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors. He reveres the work of The Bard with passion, both for Shakespeare’s mastery of the English language and the dramatic arts, as well as his profound understanding of human nature.
The etymology of the word philosophy comes from the combination of the Greek words phylos (love) and sophia (wisdom). It is the love of wisdom, not the love of knowledge, that exemplifies Sebastian de Assis‘ educational approach. While knowledge strengthens the learner, it is wisdom that empowers the individual.
On the road to self-empowerment, knowledge is the vehicle that leads to the perennial destination of wisdom. Although not everyone who possesses knowledge is wise, it is not possible to be wise without accumulating a significant amount of knowledge; all sorts of knowledge, intellectual, empirical, and otherwise.
A dedicated student and admirer of the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, Sebastian was introduced to Nietzsche’s ultimate philosophical goal after reading the classic Thus Spoke Zarathustra: The Übermensch, or superman, superior man; and the best translation of all, beyond man. But also being a studious learner and practitioner of Eastern philosophy, Sebastian de Assis incorporates the principles of the teachings of Kung Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Lao Tzu, among other sages of the East, into Nietzsche’s ideal of a superior way of being human and he came up with his own ideal state of being: The Übergeist, or superior spirit, self-empowered spirit that transcends the limitation of the temporal human existence.
In the end, it’s all about retaining the fire in the belly (KI) and going through the trials of life in a self-empowered state of being–until the fire of life burns out on its own.
“Sebastian is a dynamic teacher who strive to make learning interesting and meaningful for students. He works consistently to bring all of his students into the learning process and encourage them to personalize what they are learning…Sebastian is also a writer. This lets him bring another type of experience to his writing classes…Sebastian is an energetic, creative teacher who brings a range of skills to the classroom. We have greatly benefited from him at ELI.”
Deborah Healey, Director, English Language Institute at Oregon State University
“Sebastian has taught adults at our school for the past year…He demonstrated a real commitment and love for teaching…his instructional skills and flexibility accommodated a broad range of students’ needs, interests, and abilities…Mr. de Assis is dedicated, sincere and knowledgeable. He was a positive and valuable asset to our program and students. I have confidence in him and will not hesitate in recommending him as a teacher of adult learners.”
Bernard K. Tokunaga, Director, Maui Community School for Adults, State of Hawaii Department of Education
“During my interview with Sebastian, I was pleased to talk with him about his teaching techniques and ways to keep the interest of working adults. He had energy and passion for teaching and it was evident that his methods were quite successful…Student retention is excellent…I would like to paraphrase the students’ comments: ‘It is clear that Sebastian is a gifted teacher. He is extremely enthusiastic…He is patient, encouraging, concise.'”
Joan Scherf, Dallas Campus Director, Chemeketa Community College
“I have had the opportunity to interact with Sebastian on numerous occasions over the years and to follow his professional and educational development. I feel most comfortable in describing Sebastian as a caring, devoted and competent individual with high professionalism and ethical standards…he displayed a high level of commitment to seeing his students attain success in their programs. Feedback from the students was consistently one of praise.”
Michael Gyori, Program Director, Maui Malama Learning Center
“From the very beginning he was a very enthusiastic ‘go-getter’…He was always punctual, did what he said he would do when said he would do it…he was of great assistance promoting the course. He had a large class by our standards…His evaluations from the class speak for themselves with excellent ratings in most categories and nearly everyone asked for the course to continue.”
Barbara K. Bitner, Program Director, Personal and Community Enrichment Program (PACE), Maui Community College
“[Sebastian] has provided over a period of one year and a half outstanding services and support for my work. The training I received from him has been a great asset for my activities and I am confident that the foundation I developed under his guidance will be fundamental to the future of my professional career. He is an excellent trainer in every aspect of human relations and communication skills.”
Riccardo Maggi, Director of Marketing Department, STMicroelectronics, Inc.
“[Sebastian] is the best thing to happen to our program in many years. He is extremely knowledgeable about his work, he is enthusiastic, and has the ability to engage all the different ages of children in our program…Sebastian not only works well with the children but has a good rapport with his colleagues as well…Haleakala Waldorf School is fortunate to have him on staff.”
Deborah Hall, Administrative Director, Haleakala Waldorf School
“Sebastian is currently employed as a teacher…He is a talented and creative teacher. He makes thoughtful contributions to program decisions and has implemented changes to improve class delivery. Students enjoy his classes and these classes have developed both in size and student retention.”
Dee Curwen, Program Director, Linn-Benton Community College
“It was with a heavy heart that I accepted Sebastian’s resignation. He is the type of mentor and teacher I would like to keep on the staff forever…He is a leader among the staff, never hesitant about taking a strong stand…His qualities are clearly displayed when he is at his best–either teaching or looking at the ‘Big Picture’ of educational needs.”
Herschel Weeks, Ph.D., Director, Willamette Valley Community School
“Sebastian has been a teacher here at Bosque Preparatory School for the past two years. He has done so with a high level of competency and enthusiasm, giving his students not only the desire and motivation to learn, but also an understanding of the importance of giving their best to the learning experience…Sebastian brings a dimension of excitement and energy to all that he undertakes and he works very hard to help others appreciate the value of learning new ideas that promote educational excellence.”
Gary R. Gruber, Ph.D., Head Principal, Bosque Preparatory School
“…that class contained more than the usual proportion of graduate students, who tend to have high standards in their expectations of instructors. In written evaluations, students made such comments as, ‘He is the best teacher ever because he knows how to teach his students,’ and ‘He explains well and makes the class interesting.'”
Eve Chambers, Director, English Language Institute at Oregon State University